Planning Study - Dickerson Corridor

Working closely with our design team there have been many ongoing renditions of the Dickerson Corridor study. Phase 1 is called Dickerson South which is broken up into 4 distinct study areas. Our public engagement strategy for this corridor was to provide a 3D model that detailed the max development potential of the immediate neighborhood. We used this model to frame views, analyze shadows and identify spaces for better neighborhood connectivity to the corridor. Being able to dynamically zoom and walk along streets gave project stakeholders a view into how the growth of their neighborhood would impact them personally whilst encouraging a more informed feedback loop with our team.

I used ArcGIS Pro and CityEngine software to georeference and superimpose hand drawn designs onto a 3D terrain, accurately represent the existing tree canopy and reevaluate the design from many different aspects. Using CityEngine, as a team we were able to use procedural rules to test floor-to-floor heights, floor-to-floor usage and different parking configurations. Ultimately, the community response was rapid and the impact of these dynamic visualizations encouraged more of a curiosity into their immediate neighborhoods and the planning process overall. 

This corridor is over a mile long so, I took steps to chop up the basemap in ArcGIS Pro and import each texture at a high resolution (300 dpi) JPEG that I was able to stitched together in CityEngine.

All but one of the plans shown above were approved by the Planning Commission. With vital input from the steering committee representing the immediate neighborhood, the Lower South portion of this Dickerson Corridor required a redesign that allowed for more transitional heights, green spaces, and smaller DADU (detached accessory dwelling unit) type developments for maker uses. Our design team provided hand drawings that I superimposed onto a custom basemap using ArcGIS Pro and modeled so that they could compare both options in CityEngine to share as a webscene. 

Original design of Lower South Corridor:

Redesign of Lower South Corridor: 

This project is ongoing. To learn more please see the Community Plans Report here: 
